To enter, read the excerpt to Peggy's first book, Heaven-high and Hell-deep, and e-mail Peggy the answer to this question.
How did Laine get rope burns on her hands?
A) Playing tug of war with her sister.
B) The cow drug her down.
C) Hoisting hay up into the barn.
After one hundred correct answers, Peggy will hold a drawing for the winner's
choice of one of her books.
Current entries:
1. Pat
2. Linda
3. Collette
4. Angela
5. Rebecca
6. Rosetta
7. Sharon D.
8. Cathy
9. Tipper
10. Sharon J.
11. Yvonne S.
12. Stormy L.
13. Pam K.
14. Tammy P.
15. Cassie R.
16. Phyllis L.
17. Madelaine M.
18. IHS
19. Billie O.
20. Brandy S.
21. Shirley C.
22. Teresa A.
23. Linda M.
24. Jamie B.
25. Judy J.
26. Yvonne H.
27. Amanda N.
28. Laura
29. Cliftine F.